In case you missed the July issue, here it is:
The Source
monthly e-newsletter for the QNX community
QNX® Software Development Platform 6.5.0 now shipping
We're pleased to announce the general availability of release 6.5.0. New features include multi-core support for ARM Cortex-A9 processors and Freescale Power e500MC cores, a persistent publish/subscribe service, an updated tool chain, and various performance enhancements. More...
QNX Achieves IEC 61508 SIL 3 Certification
The QNX® Neutrino® RTOS Safe Kernel has been certified to IEC 61508 Safety Integrity Level 3 (SIL3). This certification provides independent validation that the Safe Kernel offers a very high level of reliability and risk reduction for safety-critical systems. More...
Hot Hardware Updates
New and updated BSPs for the QNX Neutrino RTOSAtmel AT91SAM9G45
Freescale i.MX51 EVK
MEN MPC8548, 8543
MEN Intel Atom
MEN Intel Core 2 Duo/Celeron
TI AM1808
View all available BSPs
Protecting Applications Against HeisenbugsLearn how virtually synchronous replication can help reduce the impact of elusive and non-reproducible bugs in your applications. More...
Wideband Speech Communications for Automotive:
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Learn how wideband speech communications can increase intelligibility, reduce driver distraction, and enable spatial auditory displays. More...
To download archived versions of recent webinars, including "Taking a product through IEC 61508 certification," visit the webinars page.News-o-Matic
QNX Software Systems Wins Best in Show at Freescale Technology Forumng Connect Launches New LTE Connected Car during Shanghai World Expo
QNX Achieves IEC 61508 SIL 3 Certification for Safety-Critical Systems
Blog Watch
The key fob is dead! Long live the key fob!QNX-based instrument tests haptic systems for bionic limbs
Infotainment 2015 and beyond
QNX, BMW, and Apple iPod Out
QNX posts source code for smart energy demo
July 26, 2005: QNX boards NASA’s return to flight mission