
QNX drives home (quietly) with embedded award

QNX Acoustics for ANC eliminates the need
for costly dedicated ANC hardware.
Every year, the organizers of the Embedded World conference hold the embedded AWARDs to recognize the most innovative software, hardware, and tools for embedded developers. And this year, they selected QNX Acoustics for Active Noise Control, the new QNX solution for eliminating engine "boom" noise in cars, as the winner in the software category.

This marks the third time that QNX Software Systems has taken home an embedded AWARD. The company also won in 2004 for power management technology and in 2006 for its multicore tools and OS — and in 2010, it nabbed a finalist spot for its persistent publish/subscribe messaging. That's a lot of plaques.

So why did QNX Acoustics for ANC get the blue ribbon treatment? I can't speak on behalf of the Embedded World judges, but check out this overview I wrote a few months ago. Or better yet, read this deeper dive from my colleague Tina Jeffrey.

Or skip the middle man entirely and check out the product page, which does a nice job of summarizing what QNX Acoustics for ANC is all about.

A version of this post appeared on the QNX auto blog.

Oscar-winning Flying-Cam system takes to the skies with QNX technology

Flying-Cam has been at
the forefront of unmanned
aerial filming since 1988.
Ever wonder how film crews manage to achieve death-defying camera angles that take your breath away? Well, wonder no more, because I am about to show you one of the most advanced tools of the trade. It's called SARAH, it runs on the QNX OS, and it recently won a Scientific and Technical Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for its contribution to movie making.

The SARAH unmanned aerial system is the brainchild of Flying-Cam, a company founded in 1988 by Emmanuel Prévinaire, who, in 1979, developed the first unmanned close-range aerial camera for motion pictures. SARAH represents the latest generation of Flying-Cam technology and has been in service since 2012 — yet its credits already include Skyfall, Oblivion, Prisoners, Smurfs II, and Mr. Go.

The Flying-Cam SARAH unmanned aerial system in action, filming a scene for Mr. Go. 

So why did the folks at Flying-Cam choose the QNX OS? Several factors contributed to the decision, including flexible architecture, predictable response times, and advanced profiling tools. To quote Tony Postiau, head of aerial robotics engineering at Flying-Cam, "we have been thoroughly impressed with the QNX OS. It works extremely well on our hardware and uses system resources efficiently, leaving most of the hardware processing power available to our application — a crucial attribute that we looked for.”

To find out more about QNX and the Flying-Cam SARAH system, check out the press release that QNX issued this morning.

And for a look at SARAH in action, here's a promotional video that demonstrates how it helps film crews capture angles that would be impossible for full-size helicopters, cable systems, or other traditional camera support devices:

New release of QNX OS closes UX gap between smartphones and embedded systems

Okay, this one is going to be short. I'd love to have you stay, but I'd like it even more if you jumped to the QNX website. Because if you do, you'll get the full skinny on a significant new OS release that QNX Software Systems announced this morning.

But before you go, the back story. Mobile devices (think smartphones) have transformed what people expect of embedded systems (think gas pumps, vending machines, heart monitors, or just about any other device with a user interface). Every time someone uses a smartphone or tablet, they become more conditioned to the user experience it delivers. And the more conditioned they become, they more they expect a similar experience in other systems they use. It's human nature, plain and simple.

People who create embedded devices get this. They know that, to succeed, they must up their UX game. The problem is, a gap has existed between the user experiences that embedded operating systems can support and the user experiences that people want. The latest generation of the QNX Neutrino OS, version 6.6, addresses that gap. And it does so by introducing a new and potent mix of graphics, security, multimedia, security, and power management capabilities.

And just what are those capabilities? You'll have to jump to the press release to find out. :-)

The QNX SDK for Apps & Media — one of many significant new features
in the latest release of the QNX OS.


QNX at Embedded World: three distinct systems, one OS platform

A whole new way to
take QNX out for a spin.
Quick: what do washing machines, bulldozers, and pipeline inspection tools have in common? Simple: they all demonstrate the remarkable flexibility of the QNX OS.

Next week, at Embedded World, QNX will showcase three systems built by three different customers, for three different markets. Each system addresses different technical challenges and targets different end-users. And yet, in each case, the development team behind the system chose the same OS — a testament to the “bend it, shape it, any way you want it” quality of QNX technology.

Of course, not everyone can attend Embedded World. So for anyone who can’t go (or for anyone who plans to go and would like a taste of what they’ll see), here’s a sneak peek of the three systems. Mind you, this isn’t everything we will demonstrate next week — but that’s the subject of another post. :-)

Washing machine touchscreen from Dalian Eastern Display
Imagine a web-connected washing machine that can play your favorite music and videos, provide tips on removing stains, and let you choose laundry settings with the tap of a touchscreen. The system from Dalian Eastern Display lets you do all this and more, and it’s one of many solutions that Dalian is creating for IoT smart appliances.

For instance, this screen lets you quickly choose your fabrics, including cotton, wool, or polyester. It also provides a mixed setting — handy for people who aren’t sure of the difference. Me, for instance.

Once you’ve chosen the right fabric, you can fine-tune the parameters of your wash cycle, including time, temperature, speed, and water level:

Meanwhile, this menu lets you configure everything from your network connection to the system’s sound settings:

Murphy PowerView 780 display for heavy machinery
If you build equipment that has an engine and demands a rugged display, chances are its owners and operators will benefit from a Murphy PowerView 780. Designed for use with electronic or mechanical engines in everything from boats to bulldozers, the PowerView 780 integrates engine, transmission, and diagnostic information into an easy-to-read user interface. The PowerView 780 is built for extreme outdoor environments and features a 7-inch bonded LCD that is readable in direct sunlight. Better yet, it’s easily configurable to application needs. Using Murphy’s PowerVision Configuration Studio™, developers can customize the user interface with their own graphics or display parameters, track maintenance schedules, log operation data and faults, and add OEM branding.

Murphy, the company behind the PowerView 780, is a global supplier of controls and instrumentation for almost any application that involves engines or engine-driven equipment. The company is celebrating 75 years of serving the oil and gas production, engine OEM, construction, irrigation, agriculture, power generation, and work and pleasure boating markets.

LineExporer pipeline inspection system from NDT Global
When it comes to oil and gas pipelines, safety is job one. But to ensure safety, you need to keep pipelines properly maintained — and to maintain them, you need accurate and reliable inline inspection tools. That's where NDT Global comes in. NDT is a leading supplier of ultrasonic pipeline inspection and pipeline integrity management services worldwide, with operations in Germany, Russia, the US, Canada, Mexico, U.A.E., Malaysia and Singapore. At Embedded World, QNX Software Systems will showcase an NDT LineExplorer inline inspection tool for 10" pipelines that can detect and measure corrosion and cracks, depending on the sensor carrier.

For more information on QNX at Embedded World, visit the QNX website.