Why is it that people like to do what everybody else is doing? I'm sure that psychologists, sociologists, sociobiologists, and even theologians could weigh in with a learned answer, but the fact remains: People do what other people do.
This behavior pattern has huge implications for economics. Remember the dot-com bust? (As if you wouldn't.) It had a lot to do with millions of people investing in companies whose business models they didn't understand. So why did they invest? Because everyone else was.
Even when people diversify their investments, they tend to diversify in the same way. As a result, they all become exposed to the same market fluctuations.
And so it is with automobiles. It seems that everybody these days
isn't buying a car. Now I realize that many people have a damned good reason to avoid buying a new set of wheels — unemployment, for example. But really, the reason a lot of people aren't buying is because, well, a lot of other people aren't buying.
Now that's okay in the short term. But in the long term, it's bad, especially for consumers.
Consider the following diagram, which illustrates a simple fact: The longer you wait to buy a new car, the more desperately you need one.

The problem is, the underlying "me too" dynamic that prohibits people from buying cars continues to work beneath the surface. So, once enough people give in to their desperation and decide to buy a car, there's a good chance that millions of other people will decide to do the exact same thing.
But the cars won't be there, for the simple reason that automakers had to scale back (or go out of business) because of poor demand. And what do you get when high demand collides with limited supply? Well, let's just say that it's a bad time to ask your local car salesperson for a "good deal" on that nice little sports coupe. Unless, of course, you like being laughed at in public.
(BTW, if the diagram seems familiar, I adapted it, with considerable license, from an illustration in William Jevons'
Theory of Political Economy.)