
QNX spells out its offering for industrial automation developers

If you develop systems for the industrial automation market, I recommend you check out the new "Industrial" section on the QNX website. It has all the obligatory marketing messages about how QNX provides a complete solution for your design requirements, yadda, yadda, yadda. But for my money, it also provides useful information on the technology QNX has assembled for IA developers.

Some highlights:
  • A diagram illustrating the QNX "industrial software stack". To see the full version, click here, then click the Technology tab. Once you see the diagram, click the "View All" button.

  • A list of protocols, frame grabbers, I/O cards, and other third-party technologies compatible with QNX. Click the Ecosystem tab.

  • A list of relevant certifications, including POSIX, ISO, and SIL 3, that QNX has either achieved or is in the process of achieving. Click the Certifications tab.

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