
The (humongous) snow dump of 2008

What does 50+ centimetres of fresh snow look like? Well, here's what I could see of my cars when I woke up yesterday morning...

And what does 50 centimetres of fresh snow look like when it's piled on top of 365 centimetres (12 feet) of existing snow? Well, here's what I could see of my two-storey house when I trudged out onto the street...

So much snow has fallen on Ottawa this winter that, today, a crew will use snowblowers to clean the roof of QNX headquarters. Too crazy to be true? Well, here's photographic evidence from the last time we had to do it, in December...

Mind you, there are benefits to having more than 411 centimetres (14 feet) of snow. For one thing, it's great for skiing and snowshoeing. And it can offer some cool photographic possibilities, such as this snowbank in the QNX parking lot. Pile of snow or otherwordly mountain landscape?

Visit DanC's blog for more pix of Ottawa's latest snow job.

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