
QNX gets a jolt

Good news: Dr. Dobb's magazine has just announced that the QNX Momentics IDE is a finalist in the 18th annual Jolt awards. Momentics is up against five other IDEs in the Development Environments category, including Sun's Netbeans IDE 6 and ActiveState's Komodo IDE 4.

Taking home this award would be a real coup, as the Jolt judges actually download and try out the shortlisted products. In many other technology competitions, judges simply review written submissions and make their decisions based on what they've read.

But hey, why wait to hear what the Jolt judges say? If you've never used QNX Momentics, download it now and judge for yourself. Visit http://www.qnx.com/products/getmomentics/.

Using the QNX Momentics IDE to analyze a quad-core SMP system.

Tags: QNX

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